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Thread: Colour Changes

  1. #1

    Colour Changes

    OK, im running windows XP, and up till about a week ago, my video picture has been perfect, but now, when i watch videos, the colours in the videos invert. blue becomes red and so on. has anyou come accross this before. Im just waiting on a new motherboard (ASUS P5N32 Premium....join the queue) to make up a new PC to replace this one, but its damn well annoying. Ive got an AGP nVidea 6600 GT...i think (just goes to show how intrested i am) and ie tried fidling with my nvidea setting but i cant find a problem. picures and videos on disk seem to play alright...only thing ive changed recently is the uninstalling of windoes vista transformation pack V5.5, but that was after the colour changes.......any ideas?
    Last edited by Trevulate; 29-09-2006 at 09:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Any player plays the colour "wonky" (AVI files)......i dont have a video card (unless you count the graphics card which is an nVidea GeForce 6600 GT (AGP)) Videos on disc, for example i recorded Dr. Who of the TV, then i created my own DVD Video using nero...these seem to play fine, also official DVD,s seem to play fine. I use winamp, Power DVD and DivX, and they all change the colours to different shades of blue.

    EDIT: I've had a thought, i think this could be due to my graphics card....for quite some time ive been recieving these nVidea power warnings....but about the time that the colour changed, i stopped recieving them...ive got a 450W power supply on this rig with an OLD gigabyte 875P chipset intel P4 dual core. Im not too worried at the mo, but i will be major pissed if its the case that something has changed the coding in ALL my video files (paranoid thinking). Any thoughts?

    EDIT 2: DVD,s played in Power Cinema play fine, but after a moment the top and bottome menu bars start flashing (hyrogliphic type stuff), and if i go into the dvd, and play a single video file, the picture once again turns to shades off blue.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Corrupt codecs possibly? If it was the graphics card then probably everything would be affected by it e.g. Windows, games etc. Alternatively it could be graphics card DRIVER related maybe... I would attempt to boot the PC with something akin to a MiniPE cdrom or a Knoppix distro and see if you can watch any of your files without this problem (not sure what video playback support you will find under MiniPE but you could always try running VLC under it once it has booted...).

    Obviously if you can then its down to corrupt software and you will need to uninstall stuff / rebuild your PC.

    Last edited by ultim8um; 30-09-2006 at 08:51 AM.
    AMD X2 @ 2.6Ghz, X1800XL @ 540/600

  4. #4
    ive got a pile of new componets to build a new rig, and im just waiting on the mobo (which should arrive this week at its not a mojor problem. But thanks for your help anyway!

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Have you checked that your monitor lead has not come loose?

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