And why all this long tooing and froying?
Oh,because I pointed MS screwing up all the time on the consumer side,has only meant iOS/Android has increasingly been the consumer OS of choice(just the numbers). See how a ton of them jumped in here the second I pointed it out. Interesting.
So all the MS supporters responses?? Oh,this is all part of a perfect plan by MS,everyone should just accept it,MS knows best,etc. Then something,something Office 365 business sales. The competition will all die off,because of their masterplan,etc. On how people should just keep quiet,and they don't care a damn about consumers,because Uncle MS knows best? Seriously,after 20 years of upsets,people have faith in MS?? Is this what tech Stockholm Syndrome looks like?
Not a single one of them can actually criticise what MS is doing,without a positive spin on it and then using "but business sales" to try and bury any negativity about their consumer decisions. Yet in the same breadth can criticise Apple,Google and all their competitors.Hmm. These companies never have your interests in mind,so its upto consumers to defend themselves. Plus don't gush too much for MS in enterprise,because its the competitors which keep them real!