1) How often to you visit the Hotpot?
Whenever I have time when on Hexus i.e. it wouldnt be the first thing I look at but interestign nonetheless.
2) How often do you view the recipe in the sticky?
Whenever I am going shopping and feel adventurous
3) How often do you view the Cookbook sub-forum?
Same as above.
5) Are the Cookbook recipes suitable to your needs. (if no, please say why)
Yeah i see nothing wrong with them.
7) Would you like to see more discussion of topical food subjects such as farmed salmon health problems or mercury levels in game fish? (these are purely examples, bring up your own if you wish)
Yeah sounds good.
8) Would you like more tutorial type threads with pictures of how to do things? (if yes, please give examples)
Yeah i suppose but i cant think of anything specific.
9) What do you use the Cookery book for? (inspiration? ideas? specific recipes?)
Ideas and recipes.
10) Is the Cookery book sub-forum easy to navigate and logically laid out?
YEah seems ok.
11) In general terms, how do you think the Hotpot could be made better?
I dunno really.