I've used OCZ a bit, not had any issues with ether my reaper and platinum.

I'd like to clear up a couple of things, OCZ don't produce memory chips, all the chips are produced by a handfull of other companies.
The only company that actually produces the chips AFAIK they sell on their branded sticks is Crucial, which was set up by the parent company Micron as a way of selling direct to the customer.

OCZ might own or have major holdings in one of the other memory chip manufactures.

The memory industry in general has taken a real pounding over the last couple of years.
To start with there was the over compertition issues that caused the whole sale price on DDR2 chips to actually dip below the production cost.
Then the credit crunch hit, demand dipped and credit to start new production runs dried up which nearly forced a few companies to go under and a global shortage.
The memory chip manufactures are still in the eairly stages of recovering and margins are down, which has reduced investment and growth badly.

I'm not sureprised that they are pulling out of the budget sector, the budget sector is tough, esp when you realise so much of the unbranded stuff is often exactly the same as the branded stuff, as most of the chip manufactures now produce there own sticks of memory which is sold OEM in far larger volumes.