Zen were due to migrate me this week to 21CN. Sure enough, yesterday am I awoke to no connectivity, but I was expecting some downtime...
3 hours later still nowt, so into the trusty router and ... oh... why do I have a BT IP address.. that's not a Zen IP address.
Ring Zen... to be greeted by their pre recorded intro saying the BT fault report system was glitched and they had no access to it.
Nice technical advisor, we worked through the default stuff like lightning (new filter, master socket etc) cos it's worked for 4 years and now it's stopped.. and the last time Zen saw me on their network was 2am.. but my router's connected and syncd to a diff IP.
Tried using a BT test username but couldn't access web.
So.. 2 faults... both occured the second I went over to BT 21CN, poor Zen can't do anything until the fault is dealt with by BT.
BT > My Sorry Web Access Ass.... no I got's no web and am sitting in a mates MOT station using his office!