Im sorry to do this but i need to have a rant about Demon!
Ok he i go......we disconnected from Demon on the following reasons
Paying £75 per month for a Business 512k line
Poor Customer services
We placed an order with Plusnet for a new 2mb service on our old demon line. Only thing is Demon or BT left the Broadband Markers on the line so we are unable to place a serivce!
So i have had to call them up 4 times to get them to remove it but they still have not!!!!! I just tried to call them just now on 0845 272 2333 then going to the business option. You get a message that says they are experiencing large call volumes so use the website. Then it goes dead and you get the regualr BT voice saying the other person has hung up!!!!!!!!
I really hope someone from Demon reads this because their customer services is on par with Bulldog which has been reported to the watchdog ISP!!! I am going to do the same thing once this problem has been resloved!
My message to any of you out there is STAY AWAY FROM DEMON, they are one of the worst ISPs out there!!!!! (in my opinion )
Thank you Rant over......would be interesting to hear of any other stories about demon from you guys!!!
EDIT: oh and by the way, you have to wait 25-40 mins when you eventually get in the call que!