Ok, so we've got bt 2mb broadband. And im using a router to give the interent to two computers. Ones a fixed ip and the other is rotational. The rotational one has been working fine for the last few months, and so has the fixed, but the other week the computer with the rotating ip said "network cable un-plugged", so i checked all the cables and everything seemed to be fine.
So i go and check the other comp see if that ones working fine and it is. Go back to the one thats not working, fiddle about abit and it says network connection connected. Start using the comp again and it drops of again saying network cable unplugged again. And its been doing this on and of all week. I've got no idea whats going on. I've tried changing where the cable plugs into the router but that doesnt help.
Had a search on google but that hasnt helped either.
So can anyone help?