That when I called my voicemail, selected messages, then deleted two of them and then went into the options, I had to giggle when my screen had 1337 showing...
Been there done that. Was in India a while ago, and the networks there txt your practically everyday on how many rupees you have left. Got a txt one night to say I had 1337 rupees left. I burst out laughing and giggled into the night
: RFNX Ste | : stegough |
Has anyone noticed the plate on Steve McQueen's motorbike in the Great Escape ends in 1337?
He was 1337 long before our time....
haha, it does indeed!
: RFNX Ste | : stegough |
Clearly I am either very thick or not a geek!? What is it supposed to mean!? 1337? Huh?
Otherwise pronounced as 'leet' originally hacker-speak.
The term leet is also used as an adjective to describe formidable prowess or accomplishment, especially in the fields of online gaming or in its original usage, computer hacking.
I always tell check with my GF when she has been burning candles that she has "turned them off".
oooookkkkkkaaaaayyyyy then
Now, who can guess where that peak actually is?
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