Hi guys,
Just thought I'd post a short article about my recent PC build if anyone is interested - complete with *ehem* workarounds where applicable!!
1. Mobo out and ready to go (P5B deluxe WiFi edition) - nice board, couple of holes in the antistatic bag at the corners, to be expected i suppose. Nice kit, useful manual.
2. Mobo screwed into Lian-Li PC7 'removable mobo slice thing!' bit of pain getting it through the backplate, but eventually got it all sorted.
3. Problem number 1! - Scythe Infinity + overhanging case fan guide don't mix! Had to remove it due to the case fan proximity to the hsf location (i actually took the whole metal attachment off rather than just the heat guide (not pictured))
4. Heat sink and fan attached, note the lack of clearence at the top!! this is going to be a tight fit!
5. Pretty orange RAM :]
6. Problem number 2! PCI-e slots. As shown in the pic below, there is not a lot of room between the end of the mobo and the little slots that the PCI card feet fit into:
This actually stopped me from fitting the GFX card, I had to bend the feet outward to fit it in
I know this wasn't ideal, but it was that or file the holes bigger!
7. GFX inserted - all ready to go (more or less!)
8. Problem number 3 - uh-oh the bloody HSF won't fit though the case to slide the mobo back in
I could only get it this far in
9. I had to take off the HSF and insert the mobo + everything else (made it a pain in the ass to fit the HSF when in the case)
Due to space restrictions and not able to get my hands in properly it took some time to properly attach the HSF - but finally i got it done!!
As you can see in the next pic, there was not much clearance in the case!!
Having fitted the HDD's into the unit seperately, i stuck them in and attached the 120mm side exhaust fan:
I then had it all ready to go (here's the unit under the desk!)
The final problem I had was on boot, when i had forgotten to attach the 4 pin, 12 volt mobo power supply!! You can let me off though because I've never needed too before this build! that'll teach me to read the instructions!!
Final pic below (although i should have taken one with the side on!!)
Final thing was to hate the on board sound and have to put the old audigy card in! This had to come under the new strcit foot bending regime that the GFX card had been part of!
I have heard tales of friends cutting the whole feet off, but I still thing it was down to slighlty crappy mobo positioning in the first place (probably caused by the backplate issues initially!)
Any comments/suggestions?