Harvested together a couple of nice components for my brother's new computer (Including an AIUHB), based on the NF7-S. It was working all perfectly for the first few days.
My brother considers himself a musician, and as such, likes to record what he plays on his guitar onto his PC. So, he plugged a cable from his mini-amp's headphone/lineout jack into his microphone jack on the frontpanel of the case. Since then, not a sound has come from the computer's speakers. Not the frontpanel, not the jacks at the back, nothing. Reinstalled drivers, set the onboard audio off and then on again in the BIOS, nada. Plugging headphones into the frontpanel microphone jack, however, does give a sound spike, indicating that the microphone jack is still being powered. Also, according to Windows, everything still works perfectly, and, apart from the lack of sound, everything else is just fine.
So. Has he somehow blown Soundstorm's audio output? Or is this something anyone's seen before? Help appreciated. Thanks.