Without going in for any of these over priced "ready made" bottles of coolant, what is my best bet to give me nice clear water in the long term?
I have seen various suggestions from a drop of bleach (though I don't want to do that, I seem to remember from my school days that bleach being highly corrosive to metal) to 15% mouthwash* mixtures.
Now I am overly tired of doing my own research on this as there is no clear consensus, so will let you guys\gals tell me what you think is best, oh and my loop consists of:
- XSPC R120-S
- XSPC Bay Res
- Dangerden Maze 4 GPU waterblock
- Little River Storm G4 CPU waterblock (this is why I really need clear water, it is a jet impingement block, and thus if the nozzles get blocked it is almost certain overheating for my cpu)
- Dangerden Maze 4 GPU waterblock
- 1/2" ID Sillicon tubing
- Bosch pump
*note, mouthwash may not be as stupid as it sounds, not only is most mouthwash mostly alcohol, but the majority of the oter ingrediants are anti bacterial\fungal in nature, plus it would mean that I wouldn't need to bother with blue dye and I would get that minty fresh smell that lasts and lasts