Hi all,
I've been going mad over this!
The only thing that I REALLY want to keep are the family photos taken on mother’s day. The only time I have had all of my family together for about 6 years.
I have a 200gb SATA (extra) internal hard drive. It's only about 9 months old.
The other day my pc started up reaaallllllyyyy slowly (about 15mins).
Confused face!
After a bit of tinkering I figured out that the notice at start-up telling me that my SATA drive had loaded properly was gone.
I unplugged the drive & reset, everything was back to normal (minus the SATA).
Now when I plug the drive in it goes back to being slow & the hard drive makes a nasty grinding noise.
If there is anyone here who can help I’d appreciate it a lot.
What I’ve already tried...
- Removed the sata raid drivers
- re-installed them
- upgraded bios
- cleared CMOS (by removing battery)
- Tried to boot drive on another machine (exact same model motherboard)
- replaced power supply
- re-installed XP (complete format)
Even if I were to be able to retrieve just the photos I’d be happy.
I'm not sure if it's worth buying an external Sata-usb case to try.
Please help
Thanks for your time