As my birthday is coming up, I am asking for parts for a new computer. I have composed a list of possible components below, and this is really the very top of my budget (as I saw new parts come out, my budget did stretch above what I had first settled upon)
Mobo=Asus P5Q = £88.11
CPU=Core2Quad Q6600 = £129.24
PSU=Coolermaster Real Power M520 = £58.62
HDD=250GB Seagate ST3250620AS Barracuda = £31.36
Case = Antec 900 = £72.84
RAM=4GB Corsair TwinX XMS2 = £58.33
GPU=512MB Gigabyte HD 4850 = £130.47
Total = £568.97
I have windows Vista Ulatmate 64 bit to run on it all ready.
Do you think that this system looks OK, I don't want to spend any more on it, but if there is a compatibility issue, or you think that any of the parts are an overkill please say, to save me a bit of money.
Thanks Will.