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Agent I take it then that you think that releasing two products with the same name, like they have done is a good move by Nvidia? Also the only real counter in terms of hardware they have produced the 260 (216 core) and the 9800GTX+ are not capable or will not be capable of competing with AtI line up does not mean that Nvidia are going to have a bit of a nightmare currently going on? If the 4850x2 does perform as most people predict then their will be no reason to currently buy a Nvidia card over an ATI at any level in the market. Now to me that is not a good situation to for Nvidia to be in.
AdamAnubis I am sure that Nvidia have a lot of money to put into research but leading graphics card companies have fallen fairly quickly in the past and gone bankrupt, just look to the likes of Voodoo for example. Also the current financial situation is going to hit every company hard.
Not that I would like anything to happen to Nvidia I still run a Nvidia card myself and have never had an issue with it.
A 280x2 would be an amazing card if they actually existed, however they do not also I would imagine the price of a 280x2 would be way above anything else on the market if they was ever produced, making them only really available too an elite sector with way too much money to spend on a graphics card. Still such people will exist but again given the way the economy is at the moment I would not see a 280x2 selling enough to really be called a company saviour.
What Nvidia really need is a new product that can offer some sort of rivalry to Ati and I have yet to hear even a whisper of anything of the such.