I need to put the rig in the sig to bed, I feel the need for an update.
Now this machine must last me for at least two years; it will be used for music, films, internet, Office and Java programming. It won't be used for gaming at all, so the onboard graphics will be enough. My upper limit is £800, but I want to make this machine as cheap as possible. I also plan to overclock this machine. Also would love a RAID 0 setup.
Now, I would love an Intel Core i7 set up but I'm not willing to pay 50% more, if I don't gain 50% more performance.
Now here is what I've put together.
1. I was thinking the PSU is overkill?
2. Would the IGP affect my overclock?
3. I heard the Phenom II 965 can't use DDR 3 1600?, even if the motherboard supported it would i see a performance gain?
4. Should I not buy a Phenom II 955?
5. I'm thinking Core i7 would be more future proof
6. Do I really need to upgrade? I only do the above mentioned(Top of the post).
Thanks for your help.