I want to upgrade my memory from 512 to a gig. Previous advice suggested a graphics card u/g as more bang for buck. Have done from Fx5200 to Sapphirre 9600SE. Did'nt realise the Xt was the boy! But half the price.
Running MSI Kt6 Delta mobo with Xp2600 Barton. Current RAM is PCworld DDR 333, CL 2.5. Two things here: I now know that o/c needs decent RAM. And I'm running the CPU at 181Mhz, up from the 166Mhz. Need decent RAM to push it, as I believe that this Cpu is known for running faster.
But the board will run up to 200FSB, so is the fact that the RAM is at 333 the main reason the cpu won't run any faster without stability issues? Do I need to be buying DDR 400 to upgrade, with the intention of pushing the cpu further? And will Kingston do the trick or does it have to be mega buck Corsair. Or will the Corsair value jobby do the trick for tighter timings.?
The BIOS setup does give a 'High performance' option, which at the moment the pc laughs at...so RAM capable of tighter timings seems to be the future.
And the mobo has 3 dimm slots, up to 1gb on each. Currently doing 2 x 256, presume I'll have to get 2 x 512?
Sorry its a little long winded, but would appreciate so advice. Cheers