Was ordering some stuff, so thought I'd go for the old "Zakky Bargain" again.
ie: try something too cheap for it to work, but with my fingers crossed. Wel this time its my ears thaty are crossed, cos its Bargain Sound Card time.
Its a 6 channel, C-Media chip, doesnt look ANYTHING like that piccy...its a smaller L shaped card, but has a nice little box, with a groovy space ship on it, and a CD with drivers.
And for £4.11 inc VAT, I expect the WORLD of it
In all seriousness, tnight I shal whack it in the old SFF pc, install the drivers and report back.
The 6 channel doesnt interest me particulary, but the HTRF in headphone mode does. Thats when we'll see.
Any of you guys had a go with one of these?