Ever since i bought my new machine i have had cooling and noise problems. Ive got a asus a7n8xe deluxe mobo and an anthlon xp 2500 processor. I choose this pair because of its overclocking capabilities. My problem began when i bought my heatsink based on sound. I decided to go with a Thermaltake Silent Boost but after overclocking my heat was up at 55 degrees whil playing C&C Generals. After taht i purchased a Vantec Tornado Fan and replaced the fan that was stock on the silent boost heatsink. NOW MY COMP IS TO LOAD TO SLEEP NEXT TO!!! this is a problem. I need quiet! and a machine that i can leave on days and nights. So idoling around 40 celsius. Any suggestions?? im very unfarmiliar with water cooling but im open to the idea if necessary.
Thanks a bunch