Dothan is a chip type, Sonoma is a platform. The Sonoma platform runs at 533 FSB.
Dothans come in 400 and 533 FSB versions. Are you looking to build a desktop machine with one of these chips? They are lovely little chips, clock like crazy with great thermal characteristics. The 533 (27w) versions clock considerably better than the 400s (21w). Have a read of these two threads:
Socket 479 boards are expensive and offer limited overclocking options. Best solution is to use a compatible Asus 478 board with the CT-479 adapter.
I've got a Dothan 730 (1.6Ghz 533), running on an Asus P4P800SE with the Asus CT-479 adapter. Currently running at 2519Mhz using the stock Asus heatsink and a 5v Panaflo. Effectively silent, with temps of 35 idle/45 load.