Music work.
My old man's getting quite serious into software-based music production, i.e. Cubase and all that.
He's bought a firepod (multichannel firewire-based audio I/O) which is to offer his mic/line inputs and MIDI.
Currently, he's using his old Sony laptop (PCGRX316MP) which has the benefit of a 1600x1200 resolution and firewire built in in small package that's very quiet. However, the CPU, 256MB of RAM and slowish lappy HDD are a bottle neck and I'm contemplating building him a faster desktop-based PC but in a SFF
He used to have a desktop but he's just got rid of that because it was bulky and more importantly too noisy.
No mega power requirements. Spec-wise, I was thinking along the lines of a:
3000 winnie
Medium sized HD
Graphics don't need to be fast in 3D but do require dual DVI for connecting to 2 20" flat panels.
I realise maybe no SFF currently offers dual DVI so I'm probably looking into a SFF mobo offering at least AGP or PCI-E and adding a third-party card.
What Shuttle would be most appropriate, or would another SFF do the job?
As I said, raw power isn't that important, and I'd like to keep it as cheap as poss. On-board sound quality doesn't matter either because the firepod is used.