I bought all the bits for my new pc a bit before christmas, fitted it all myself and got the pc to run. Then disaster struck, the pc keeps crashing! arghh, basically the screen corrupts but the actual pc is still on and running.
I put the crashing down to either my PSU not being able to cope with the strain or the graphics card being faulty.
Due to this i took it into a pc repair shop, they took out my old psu, a 420w silent tagan one, and replaced it with a larger voltage one, 550w. They said this had fixed the problem of crashing, which it did...for all of 2 days. My PC is now back to square one and crashes when i start it up, if i restart after a crash it will run as normal with no crashes, weird huh?
Im not sure if i should send the graphics card into be replaced as i think that's what's causing the crashes, i got it from ocuk..i've heard bad things about their replacement department, so im not sure what to do now...any ideas?