I am quite intrestined in building a rig (not for a while but planning has commensed) which uses water cooling for GPU, CPU and mabe probably the motherboards chipset.
I would probably like to not buy a pre compiled set and so choose my own componants (i dont think ill be going down the custom parts route)
Is a system like this practicle and would it require two 120MM fans on the reserovoir?
Also how much would i be looking at for this system, under £200 would be nice.
Also is it best to have the reservoir outside the case or inside? If so i guess i would need a large case such as the cooler master stacker, although outside sounds best to me, then i can have a lovely li lan 1000 case (which i also plan to get electro cromed if the price is right, just sent off for a quote)
Im looking for a blend of temperature and noise however i will not be OC much probably (im not the kinda guy who is willing to burn out a CPU and im not much of a bencher!)
Any guidence is greatly appreciated - where should i start looking/ researching???