Nope, furthest I've got in the last 20 minutes is to the character retrieval screen, then it hangs, then it disconnects. I'm gonna give up! I've got better things to do than stare at 'connect' messages all nightOriginally Posted by Allen
Nope, furthest I've got in the last 20 minutes is to the character retrieval screen, then it hangs, then it disconnects. I'm gonna give up! I've got better things to do than stare at 'connect' messages all nightOriginally Posted by Allen
yeah tbh Im a bit tired of staring at that screen too, I think ill go have a read and maybe try and get half an hour before bed later
Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
There are a multitude of applications designed to run performance testing e.g. LoadRunner, Jrun, etc. You'd think a project manager somewhere in Blizzard would have insisted on full performance, stress and soak testing before allowing another 250,000 people onto a server architecture that fell on it's arse not so long ago. Personally I'd be sacking the test and programme managers and getting in someone who is strong enough to stand up to the Blizzard business representatives and say "No, you are going to suffer negative feedback if you release"
Giving us a free day is bugger all use if the only real day you can get on is Sunday and that's when the servers go down. Giving the revenues they must be bringing in at £8.99 per person they should be able to phone Sun and order a few F15K servers.
Iain: Exactly, it simply astounds me that with the sheer scale of the WoW nobody has thought to implement a bullet-proof server system.
Okay, if might have caught them by surprise, but we've had the same story with every launch! USA? Oveloaded.. Korea? Overloaded.. EU.. Overloaded!
It's obvious to me that they're not really interested in providing the best possible experience for the customer when it might cost them some money.. They'd rather fleece us for £9 a month and eventually do the bare minimum when enough fuss is made.
''Due to a major network issue, part of the WoW platform has been unreachable for many players. We are working hard on this problem and the realms should become available shortly. However, due to the extremely heavy load on our login servers, players will continue to experience difficulty entering the game for some time tonight. The account creation pages are also currently unavailable but will become available as soon as these problems have been remedied. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. ''
Last edited by Flakvin; 17-04-2005 at 08:46 PM. Reason: ??
Sig here?
i can connect to a pvp sderver and create a charachter etc.......... i am only having probs on arathor
Heh you should work in the city business first and what do u mean the servers can't cope!!!
Antec P160/Abit IC7Max3/P4 3.02Ghz/PC3200 1GB/120GB Seagate Barracuda/Zalman CP7000/Radeon 128MB PRO with Arctic cooling/120mm fans
Yamaha YZF R6 2004 (Red)
Stuck at the character screen now..
I do the work in the city for a large telecommunications company and I am a technical project manager. I've seen it happen time and time again when the business reps who don't understand the technology just want to push a release out to meet a date when the negative aspects of pushing untested or buggy code would have a greater impact. It's just a shame that Blizzard is like just about every other company, increase revenue now please and to hell with the existing customer base....
That's a point, I notice now in the Realm list that there's an Argent Dawn server which is a "RP" server rather than a "PvP" or "Normal" (PvE), anyone know what that is?
Not a clue what RP is Stoo.(Don't read Blizzard's pages too much.)
But on the other hand, after 15 min at Char retrieval screen I don't care. Just wish they would allow us on. We might even be able to check out new goodies, if that is what RP is.
Off to do something useful
Hope u all get on...and soon.
Where did my Avatar go..........?
I have created a new charachter on dragonmaw (server which some of Hexus horde are on), PVP server, may as well tinker with my new guy while i wait
Just got back on!
Message on WoW forums saying disruption to later tonight...
Well Hello!
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