Have a look here:
The summing up by the coroner is a joke. The man killed his neighbour with a gun whilst completely drunk. He grew Cannabis in his attic....so.....it was the Cannabis that was responsible! Nothing to do with the alchohol then. Yep, it was the drugs. Those untaxed drugs....not the nice and safe and taxed booze, which he happened to be 'high' on at the time he commited murder but the illegal dopey drug which he was not high on, but which he happened to grow in his attic. !!!!!
So, if I beat my missus up one night and there is booze in the house does that mean that booze made me do it? Obviously, because I have it in the house that means I am addicted to it, therefore it is bad and evil! Nothing to do with the Angel Dust I was on at the time then.....