Just one correction I'm not pro Isreali. I'm not pro Palestinian either. In fact if it had been left to the Isrealis and the Palestinians alone to sort things out in the first place then maybe, just maybe, This situation might not be as it is. I agree, they are not always right. though their thinking may have been tainted from the environment in which they live, don't you think?

I am definitely anti-terrorist. Let's get that nice and clear and from my viewpoint the Arabs (let's be honest, it's not just the Plaestinians) tend more to the use of terror tactics than the Isrealis. Though in recent years the Isrealis have begun to catch up. Let's not also forget that in the '70s and '80s it wasn't unknown for Arab terror groups to go into a kibbutz and indiscriminately shoot men women and children. The Beslan school isn't such a new tactic when you look at it. Do that often enough and the people you attack will begin to employ similar tactics against you.

So, to summarise. Whereas I am not pro Israeli I am even less pro Palestinian/Arab. My 'impartial viewer' comment was really directed at the particular incident as opposed to the whole situation. So please, no labels or I'll be accusing you of making assumptions next.