On the whole where did the energy before the big bang come from?
WHERE THE HELL DID GOD COME FROM?! (or was he formed by another god?)
To me religion is like that nice fable about the woman who went upto a famous astrophysicist and informed him of how he was wrong about the earth. She told him that it is in fact supported on the back of a giant sea turtle. The physicist looked stunned for a moment and then asked her, "what supports that turtle?" She replyed with "why another turtle of course". He looked stunned, and asked "what supports that turtle?", she shakes his head at him, and says its no use trying to confuse me, its turtles all the way down.
Relgion is used to explain what people don't understand and is circular.
Does the earth revolve around the sun? Or the sun around the earth? Religion is often used to shut up that infuriating 8 year old who just won't stop saying "WHY?". The result is when people need affermation of their faith, they often don't want their belives to be marginalised by, well reality, and they take it out on science. I wouldn't call these people stupid, just emotionally crippled.