This is not truly a debate's an issue of UNFAIRNESS.
Lets take 2 sides: Those who believe that the world was created by God and probably is less than 7 days.....and those who believe in a Scientific view point, such as Big Bang, Tectonic Plate movement, the earth moving thorugh space,and Survival of the Fitest, with the odd bit of random gene devlopment chucked in.
I dont want to argue about who is right. Not today.
But I have a point to make. A SCIENTIST can be made to believe IF HE/SHE is shown hard fact.
So if a consortium of 50 holymen turned up at a Scientists convention and showed each of them, both individually and jointly, a series of provable scientific facts that PROVED the world was created in 7 days...
because they ARE SCIENTISTS.....and they live their life through hard fact and evidence and proof....
But a Creationalist will NEVER BE SWAYED from their belief, either with or without evidence. a wierd and slightly scary way....
leaves SCIENTISTS IN A WEAK POSITION.....where by they are in a million billion to 1 chance that someone MIGHT TURN UP AND SHOW THEM HOW IT HAPPENED in 7 days.
but the Creationists will never be swayed....ever....even with hard fact.
I have thought about that all weekend...its rocked me to my core. Cos I feel weakened by it.
What do you lot feel? NOT ABOUT WHICH IS RIGHT or wrong in the debate of Gods/Science's world....but in the lackof ability to convince people who are ......unconvinceable?