It's been a while since I've built so here goes nothing.
I'm currently using an old off the shelf HP (DC5100MT - 3.4GHz P4, 2Gb RAM, XP Pro) which when faced with anything mildly intensive (a youtube video, a flash website, Scan's site, etc) chokes and dies.
I need to keep various programs and applications running constantly (postgresql, a java based software program, office 2k7, etc) as well as 6+ Firefox tabs open to monitor various things.
I wont be playing any games now or in the future and I have no desire to make it look shiny and special.
Most of the prebuilt PCs I've looked at (HP/Dell) have 2Gb RAM and a lot of other useless crap I don't want and/or will never use. So, taking a few hints from CTF's threads of win, I've cobbled together the following;
Case: Fractal Design Core 1000 - £25
PSU: CMPSU-430CX - £30
Mobo: Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 - £41
CPU: AMD Athlon II X3 460 - £57
RAM: XMS3 8GB DDR3 - £30
HDD: Anything around the £50 mark that's in stock when I come to order.
ODD: Lite On DVD Writer IHAS124B - £13
OS: Win7 64bit Pro - £90
I have cables, fans, etc already.
Comes to about £336 (exc). If I can keep it under £350 I'll be a happy chappy. Am I on the right track?