I've been looking for some time to build my own PC and I've always ended up shying away from it because I never really had the know-how on what to actually do. I've realised now that the only way to get things done is to do things by yourself.
Whilst I've been looking at parts to put in to a PC; different CPU's, GPU's, RAM sticks etc, I realised that I don't actually know how to tell which component is better than another. I get the basics of things like its better to have 16GB RAM than 4GB RAM, and that an SSD helps to boot up software quicker than a HDD. But why is it that one stick of RAM is better than another? They're both 8GB sticks right? These are the type of things which I am looking to find out.
What I'm asking is, can anyone kindly give any links to websites, papers, videos etc which give insight and advice to hardware newby like me? I work in computing but I only know about my particular job role and my goal is to understand as much as possible about all corners of computing.
If anyone has any links to detailed information regarding PC components and their functions, I'd be extremely grateful.
The hardware newby