Built an i7 machine after having issues with space with a MATX build - I decided to go full ATX, popped to scan a couple of weeks back, and swapped a few bits for new ATX parts.
PC Seemed to be ok, but was worried with some of the Temps that the ASUS Probe was reporting on the mobo! - Seems the NB is hitting 60c and because its a cooper cooler. its hidden right behind my 285 GTX which now is starting to crash. This is all housed in a Lian Li case which i also purchased from Scan. Spoke to phil about the build and he seemed happy with the choice I had made after being on the phone to him for some time!
I cant even seem to play COD2 without having the pc crash out on me, and it all seems to be coming from the stupidly high temps off the NB chip.
Any idea's? or am I going to have to get a replacement mobo which is more suitable.