Maybe so Clunk but when the first motherboard died within 30 mins I guess there's also logic to saying it could have damaged stuff attached to it? Maybe I sound like I'm dodging everything you blame things on but
Yes, you do , computers are normally very annoying and the problem always turns out to be something you think it isn't! PC>
< Me
The graphics card I doubt was faulty though I tried it in another system and had no problems with it.
atm I am abit confused, I have previously tested both RAM sticks 2-3 times on their own and both still had freezes in games. Like I said before I did 101 passes without error with one stick before and it still freezed in C&C 3.
Earlier I did the test with the other stick doing 34 passes and no errors (couldn't be bothered
tbh seemed predictable that it would just pass all again). This stick has now been running for a few hours and I haven't had it freeze.
I wouldn't be surprised if it did freeze though, sometimes things be complete asses like this, make you think it's fixed and then wham