Hi Chris, thanks for the response.
I'm surprised you can't find any other Saturday deliveries as I've had at least another 2 this year, one which is supposed to be in the process of having the ammount refunded. I don't have the order number to hand, but Lynda found it and has it in "her folder".
I'm going to work out how much collection is via royal mail, that way if I miss a delivery its not 20+ miles to go to collect it so limits the inconvinence if there are any problems. The bottom line is the price and hassle on using Royal mail for each scan order will dictate if I can continue using Scan. I'm very glad you can see this is not an issue I have with Scan - I don't expect perfection, everyone gets things wrong, however City Link get things wrong too much, and as you can see the hassle in getting things corrected are major, to the point where I pay £20+ for sautrday delivery to actually end up paying £20, plus petrol for the priviliege of driving 40+ miles round trip on my day off.