Got my Rampage on Thursday (upgrade from a Maximus X38) and ever since ive been getting a "Hardware Malfunction" BSOD at randon times.
Now all the kit i have in my Rampage came straight from my Maximus and i never had any problems.
I had ran memtest for two passes that gave no errors,only error i got running prime was if i got the dreaded BSOD which has been plaguing me.
I had also been getting high temps on my Q9450 so earlier decided to re-apply some artic silver and re-sit the heatsink.
Taking the cpu out of the socket i noticed a couple of pins sticking up from the rest and looking out of place,if they arent secure in the socket which to me sounds like a fault in production as ive never come across this before could this be the cause of the "Hardware Malfunction"?