I referred a friend to shop from scan a few days ago because I have never had any bother, but he stock issue has reared its head in this order.
In his order was an XFX 4870 XXX, the next day he received an email saying that it was out of stock, then shortly after had an email saying it was discontinued. (at the time of buying it was instock and ready to order)
I got him to change his order to an Asus 4870, which was the next one down in the list that was in stock, so he gets an email today stating that it is out of stock.
So finally I've got him to swap it to a Sapphire 4870 which is the next one down before the prices start up jump quite a bit, so is there any idea of will this be in stock? And is there anyway in which the actual levels of stock can be displayed on the website? At the moment its just hit and miss with the stock levels, they might as well not even be there.