My apologies for repeating the first few paragraphs from another forum thread. Just wanted to cover all the facts.
I was expecting a delivery on Monday 27th. Stayed home. No delivery.
Couldn't get their tracker to work on Tuesday morning. On Tuesday night it said that "delivery point closed (carded)". Which means nobody home, card left. This was impossible.
Phoned my local branch (Swansea) Wednesday morning and was told just what I’d read on the website. They took my home and mobile number so the driver could contact me. Still nothing all day so phoned again late afternoon.
Then I was told that the driver had left the card at a house with a brown door on Monday (mine is blue) so now I’ve no idea where he's been. The man on the phone was optimistic he would turn up by 5:30pm (this was at 4:40pm). Of course he didn't. Anyway I gave him some directions to pass on to the driver. He also told me that the drivers don’t have mobile phones (unless they have personal ones).
Its now a week since the original delivery attempt. I phoned them again today as the internet tracker showed no activity since last Wednesday when it was ‘loaded onto the van’. They said that it was on the van and that it would be delivered today. Just like last week I was home all day and no delivery. When I checked the internet tracker tonight it states that an attempt to deliver was made this afternoon and that there was no one home and a card was left. This is either a blatant lie or they are delivering to the wrong address.
I’ve already given the call centre my phone number and directions to the house.
If he has left another card does this count as 2 attempted deliveries so now I have to go their branch to pick up the goods myself. This would be almost a 3 hour round trip.
Can you help in any way?
I was informed by you today that a second order I made, has been dispatched to Inter City Link. I fear that this will have the same problems.
These are the invoice numbers:
Thanks for any help.