Appreciate being told this in adavnce. I realise you guys are workign hard up there and your efforts are appreciated. My system should be starting on 14th so could well be fixed by then...?Hi
I am contacting customers to inform them of a small delay we are having in building systems.
We are having issues with some new systems and believe this is due to problems within the bios. Our team are working hard to get these issues fixed but this is causing delays in starting new systems.
We are hoping to have these issues fixed as soon as possible but this could delay any new systems to be built buy around 24/48 hours.
We can only apologise for the slight delay in getting your system started and we hope that we can get your build back on track. As soon as I have a date as to when the system will be ready to ship we will contact you and give as much notice as possible.
Once again we can only apologise for the delay and hope we can keep this to a minimum.
Scan Computers
Can anyone elaborate on the problem? Is it effecting only one type of mobo or what? Hope you get it sorted ok!