|Don't know if anyone can help me but I'm trying to set up a shared internet connection in a computer suite in Burkina Faso.
So here's the background. The internet comes in via a radio connection which a box on the wall converts into an RJ45 plug with a fixed IP and DNS servers.
The router they have here is knackered so we tried looking for another one - we found one in the whole of Ouagadougou for £370...
SO, I'm trying to set up Internet connection sharing on one of the macs to enable the computer suite to get he internet. That's fine, no problem. The problem comes with getting the internet to share through the Netgear WG602 WAP they have here. I'm not sure how to configure the router or mac to allow this. We've set the mac up to share the connection from the ethernet to the AirPort, but how do I set up the AP to allow connections to access the internet?
Thanks for any help...we've got about 2 days to try and sort this out...