I'm looking to design a website and I need some advice on what language would be best to use for server/client interaction.
The site is basically going to involve two sections; one where someone says "I have free space to carry x tons of stuff from A to B" and another where someone says "I have x tons of stuff to carry from C to D"
The idea is to match the two up ie match packages to free space.
Obviously I need to have some kind of database runnning on the server to allow someone to add/query packages and free spaces.
To further complicate matters, I'll need to charge people for certain sections of the site and also have secure log in i.e. https...
I also suppose that recommendations for good servers would be nice too!
I know its a rather nebulous question but any help at all, on any section of what I'm writing, would be helpful.
Also postcode interaction would be helpful, e.g. how close is postcode A (where the package is) to postcode C (where the free space is leaving from). I guess you have to pay for the postcode map/distances database... again any thoughts appreciated!