I don't mean to be rude, but you didn't really
read my post, did you...?
First off, I said my budget was £650 and, secondly I said I wanted the Antec Mid Tower case. That spec is for a very nasty, very cheap looking blue plastic thing. Why Apple are the only PC company that know how to make their machines aesthetically pleasing as well as a decent spec, I have absolutely no idea.
That's just for the machine, it doesn't include building (£35) OS set-up (£10) or delivery (£17.50). That comes to an extra £62.50. It also includes that nasty, evil, bashed-to-death-with-the ugly-stick, blue plastic case and a Samsung HDD and I know, from personal experience, and from the experience of friends (as well as things I've read) that Samsung HDDs have an extremely poor MTBF rate. I certainly wouldn't want to entrust my data to one. The only manufacturer whose products I have any faith in (when it comes to HDDs, that is) is Seagate. I know of no-one who's had a problem with them (and I've certainly not myself - I've two in this 'ere PPC Mac).
So, if I add my choice of case to that spec (an extra £68) and the build and delivery charges (another £62.50) then I'm looking at a total cost of £829.40. which is £179.40 over my total budget. Whoops I forgot the Seagate HDD, which is an extra £16 I believe, so that's £845.40 (£195.40 over budget).
I'm sorry if this post sounds as though I'm having a go at you, I'm not, I'm just frustrated that you made a suggestion which was completely contrary to what I said I could afford. So, I thank you for the suggestion, but read the original post properly in future, eh...?