Lol, im sorry guys, but im just getting weird questions today (voices in my head telling me to ask em)
What if you got up in the morning to find yourself in your wife's body, and her in yours, the souls. After trying everything, you have to come to peace with the fact that there is nothing you can do, its irreversible, what would you do?
1. Apologize to your wife (now your husband) for all the things you've done to her over the years?
2. Tell her (Him) to make love to you?
3. Jump out of the balcony and die?
4. Be cool with it? Thank God?
5. Tell her (Him) that she (He) better not try to get you pregnant?
6. Wake up at night do things to yourself, she wouldn't let you do while she had the body?
7. Put your own options here
Lol, i know its probably a stupid question, but I just had to ask