I have been using this motherboard for more than six years, and there weren't any problems with it till today. I have turned the computer on and it has appeared, the continuous beeping sound. Sometimes, it beeps for a while and the computer turns of and the beeping sound continues although the sound is not so loud , and sometimes windows starts but the sound is still present. Before that, there weren't any hardware changes.
There's a code that appears on the motherboard and stays there; sometimes it is 7F, 8E and at the moment it is 2.1. Motherboard speaker is unpluged at the moment because of the disturbance.
Latest BIOS is on. I have tried to unplug everything and plug it again. Tried with another graphic card, another power supply, different configuration (placement) of memory modules, start the computer without graphic card and HDD, but sound is still present. I really don't know what to do next...
EDIT: When I turn on the computer, everytime after the ON-OFF cycle, at the boot screen, message is shown - system is running in fail-safe mode, please recheck - BIOS CMOS setup and I have to set desired setup in the BIOS again. This usually occurred when I've cleard CMOS memory...