I think that what F1 needs is:
Racing against the clock, rather than actually against each other simultaneously. OK, the odd race can be done in pairs, but I think it should be man and machine against the clock, so only their own mistakes count against them, not those of others.
A larger variety of places to race... different surfaces and conditions. We should stop pandering to the drivers and make it more of a spectacle.
A slightly easier path for younger drivers to compete on the national arena. Maybe not in the same cars, but they should be in slightly lower power cars, with slightly lower tech levels, but on the same day, so that we can see their times directly against those of the top boys.
More women/Some women drivers.
More team work, preferably with some direct input from someone else to the driver, immediately. Maybe have two seater cars.
More adjustments that are visible to the specatators, such as tyre choices that are more obivous. With the change in surfaces noted above, tyre choice would be more critical too.
Larger scale races. I think that, while the current F1 drivers work hard for their 2 hours/ roughly 200 miles.. it's not long enough. I'd rather see them racing all day, with frequent stops between, perhaps with a gap between race finish and next race start. Perhaps this could be done by using several race tracks in the same country, and road stages between them. Silverstone and then a local park, and then a local woodland trust with an interior road network?
I think that with larger stages/races, we could get more specatators there, enjoying more motorsport than ever before.
And I think that the winner should really be the best in the world.
I think it should be called WRC and I think that last years winner, possibly the best driver on the planet, the winner of the last 6 World titles should be in the news, main page, for his skill, bravery and rampant ability.
Who care's if the person who wins the most races in F1 wins?
Anyone who can consitently turn in thousands of miles in all conditions, snow, fog, rain, ice, dry dust and tarmac, should win.
And he does.
Sebastian Loeb deserves some of your attention soon guys.
Yes, he can drive F1... "it's always a great pleasure!!
but Bernie Ecc and his buddies are grabbing headlines again, and while F1 is exciting at times... it doesn't cut it with the real men