I am building myself a new case for an H2O system:
(Click the images for bigger versions)
The left hand bank has a custom radiator (120mm*350mm core) and 3 120mm YS-Tech fans (will be run 5v-7v)
The right bank will have the PSU mounted at the top and has space for 10 HDDs underneath.
Both banks are on piano hinge and open outwards for internal access.
There is room for 2 CD-Roms and a full size ATX mobo in the main part of the case - this is from an old steel case that I have cut down and re-riveted as well as removed alot of un-needed steel work. The CDs will be stealthed and the buttons mounted below the PSU - accessable though the 115mm hole and 2 Blue cathodes are going to installed behind the fans. I am probably going to get the case anodised in a loud colour, most likely purple.
The rest is all made from 18 (~1.2mm) or 20(~1mm) gauge sheet aluminum and 10mm L-section or 10*20mm U-section
I am putting this on a back burner for a bit, while I finish my custom waterblock.