I was running an old laptop PII 600mhz under xp with a random GPU manufacturer (sorry I don't recall which) but the windows driver wasn't working well for me so after a bit of googling on the gpu name I found a more appropriate driver. there where improvements, but still wasn't staggering performance
I imagine it will be similar under Ubuntu, last time I played with it there where several different drivers available for each manufacturer and some worked better then others.
I think a bit of google based research is in order
Well, that was an interesting test!
My old, low powered box (built specifically for energy efficiency and officew / web use only) is powered by a Duron 700 feeding a (relatively) massive 512MB of RAM. I just installed the latest Flash and had a go at watching an episode of Top Gear. You should consider yourself lucky that you got 1 FPS: for me the picture only changed when I paused then restarted the video!!
According to performance monitor I was running at a mere 154MB RAM usage, against 100% CPU usage.
So, I'm afraid you're right. CPU bottleneck there, no amount of RAM is going to get you smooth iPlayer
think i might have to dig out my ibm thinkpad 600e and give it a go
Cheers for trying scaryjim.
Just opened up system monitor, with one Firefox page open (Google) It's using 200 of the 230mb RAM, CPU sits around 60% as I'm typing this post. RAM would help but yea, it's not going to solve my problem!
Since trying to open firefox to post this with the sys monitor open I'd go so far as to say XP runs better on this laptop than Ubuntu. I still have very little idea how to use Ubuntu (cant even find the command line!?) but i see it's potential, any good guides to removing bloat?
ok, so it's a
P3 500Mhz
448MB Ram
Neomagic MagicGraph256ZX 4MB RAM
and I can report under xp with both IE and Firefox iplayer does indeed play. it seems to work best if you use the pop-out option.
At a decent rate?
yer, definitely watchable. although it does slow down somewhat in full screen mode, but still more than 2fps, although couldn't get fraps to give me an exact count
I've asked Simon from Student Computers if they have any laptop with no HDD/WIFI/Battery/etc that they normally couldn't sell, hoping to pick one up very cheap. fingers crossed he comes up with one for me
Well, looks like i'm after a new laptop now as the backlight seems to have died on the LCD.
Still waiting for Simon from Student Computers to give me a price on a damaged T series he mentioned (Simon, where are you!?)
got my acrylic through (the right size this time) fits perfectly into the frame & would have looked great
Arghh im waiting on progress!!
Still waiting on Simon to get back to me, i'm being impatient but I'm so close to the finish. Reckon I should get sponsorship from them like in other threads
Will probably be getting rid of the old laptop if anyone is interested, got to raise funds to pay for a new one. Won't be much though considering the screen is iffy & the spec but might be useful for someone!
Mate this is a fantastic little project, I've never seen anything like this before!!!
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