Title sates it all really, we are now in December and all the BIG releases are out. Not going to create a poll with this one as there have been loads of great titles out this year, just to many to list. So what are your games of the year and why.
For me :
The Witcher. Bioware at its best. The Aurora engine really has come a long way since Neverwinter Nights. Visually this one really captures you as does the sound. What really stands out for me though is the fact that your choices do actually make a difference to the world around you. Brings a whole new level of gaming immersion, definately the way forward.
Bioshock. Granted this game is buggy as hell and is still yet to be patched to fix the problems. Rapture though is definately a place to visit for any gamer. Not since System Shock 2 have I felt so claustrophobic walking round the murky corridors wondering what will happen next. Overall it had me engrossed start to finish but I did find it a little short. Rumour has it that Bioshock 2 is going ahead so hopefully we will see a lot more of rapture on our return visit. To finish off I must admit that the story was really interesting, especially when you start fining out what has happened and meet a few of the key characters.
Shivering Isles. Expansion to one of my all time favourite games ES4 Oblivion. Venturing into the realm of madness to stop the Greymarch and save the Shivering Isles. Fruity characters, great visuals and a whole host of new creatures. Very different in its own right and carries on the Elder Scrolls tradition with style.
Games that I didn't really rate this year.
Stalker. Visually dated and nowhere near as big as the hype after all those years waiting. Personally just can't get away with it.
Crysis. Granted it looks amazing and really pushes the bar forward when it comes to PC gaming. Thing is though, it plays way to much like Farcry for my liking so been playing it in short bursts with no real interest in it. Not forgetting you really need a monster system to even run it on medium settings.
Hellgate. I followed this from its early development stages and it had my interest peaked. After playing for a few hours though it becomes a bit tedious. Surface and gates look great but the other bits arn't so hot. Tunnel system after tunnel system for most of the side quests becomes boring ever so quickly unfortunately. Must admit that some of the big bosses look amazing in their own right. Definately close but no cigar moment in gaming.
Clive Barkers Jerhicho. Another near miss with this one. It is just so samey that after playing for a few hours it becomes boring. Visual style is pretty good but for a PC game it reeks of console port when it comes to the button sequences and controls. Enemies are also unvaried unfortunately.
So whats everyone else make of gaming this year?