That's average price for most SP games which rarely last much more than that nowadays, if I want better value I'd buy Fallout3 again but it's my decision to buy MW2 (which I won't until it drops to sub-£30)
I can't agree with the "most people won't" comment, this game will sell by the bucketload, I'm not in any way justifying the actions of IW at all especially as I have my own gripe with MW2 (basically reskinning a game & adding new levels shouldn't justify the high price) but it's just the way things are.
I nor anyone else has any idea of the number of people who will boycott this game, I'm guessing it's not going to be a massive number as it seems mainly limited to PC-MP-Dedicated-server-requiring gamers which is surely a minority % of the game's target market.
They've tried it on with this game, no denying that, they wouldn't have dared do it with any other game for real fear of losing sales. It always goes back to the fact that if a gamer (whether Pc or console) feels a product is not worth the money they won't buy it, let sales figures talk when the game is actually out.
My initial post wasn't to justify IW (far from it) or to pass judgement on anyone boycotting/etc the game but that those vocal gamers seem to be making a massive assumption that other's won't buy it based on their own usage of a game. If you're in the minority does that mean you're in the wrong?
See this is part of the problem I have, the notion of the 'almighty' PC gamer.Well if you are prepared to play FPS on a console I'd imagine you will have little to complain about, it's not like consoles have ever had anything better.
Infinity Ward should have some respect for the people who put them where they are today, namely PC gamers.
I have 'gamed' for nearly 20yrs on PC/Console/anything I could find. I moved to mainly console gaming for the ease it brings (no hardware problems/low cost of entry/no need for upgrades to play the latest game/etc) - it's my choice to play on whatever platform I want, PC gamers aren't owed anything more than any other gamer, expecially as console gaming now surely provides the majority of revenue for companies in 'the business' and has been around for almost as long as PC gaming!?
Again - I'm not justifying IW in this case but that's the decision they made, the sales will let them know if it was the right thing to do and, in my opinion, they will make a ton of money and be bathing in Champagne & eating unicorn steak for breakfast.
I don't believe they'll lose sleep over a few unsold copies and will probably add some 'missing' features in future updates to look like the good guy, it's business, everyone in the games business wants to make money & is pretty much a lying scumbag & if you don't realise that you need to open your eyes (that comment not directed personally btw)