Actually your right about this. Anyway Gaina if you can do it very very slowly.
DO it at a pace your body is comfortable with. Keep a record and decrease by say 2mg-5mg a week , this way I promise you will be ok.
You will feel rough but you will not end up in hospital. But yeah don't do a cold turkey. Heroin addicts decrease about 1-5mg a week on methadone and its something you can stick with , also with that rate you can also get your day to day chores done.
You need to gently ween your self off it.
Your body produces a natural opioid which is endorphine . It produces this because your body is always in constant pain , anyway at the moment your body has stopped producing this and is replaced by dyhydracodiene . So what needs to happen is you need to start exercise or something that can help your body produce this, also you need to top your body with vitamins which will help you through your turkey.
I too have to start to reduce mine , like I have said before i have done this few times but this time round I need to make it last longer. Need to exercise too.
Good luck mate
, wish me good luck too