yes, I'm quote proud of that. It was appropriate and useful, AND I got points on the PUSB.
never said or implied they were supernatural. You missed my point.
Sigh. Mohammad was a man who lived a while ago. A man. He didn't claim to be God or a god. No-one has ever claimed he was a supernatural being, or that he was anything other than a man. So your following statement
"You haven't 'experienced' Mohammed so you reject him." illustrates how confused you are.
lol. The same old confusion again: I have not tried to PROVE God's existence. Read the entire thread again if you want, and show to me where I have done that. Instead, I have emphasised the relationship base of Christianity. Without that relationship, one is simply practising some traditions religiously.
And in order to have that relationship requires first of all a sincere search for Him, and secondly repentance and humility. And thirdly, communication. You are stuck on your side of the fence, and until you experience Him for yourself, you cannot get to my side of the fence. CS Lewis went walking with his brother to the zoo, and he started the walk not a Christian, and arrived at the zoo believing in God. Do you seriously think he suddenly abandoned all his reasoning, his logic, his former atheist enthusiasm because he simply capitulated? He was very seriously atheist earlier in his life.
that's why I can easily state to become a Christian does NOT involve blind faith. It involves rational thinking. A Christian EXPERIENCES Christ for him/herself, and cannot deny that experience. It is a supernatural event.
The Christian has EVIDENCE to base his/her belief on, and you reject that evidence because you claim its hallucination. You can make all the noise you want, but in simply dissing other people's experiences, you show how shallow your argument is. And there is plenty of other evidence to illustrate God's intervention in people's lives, but again you revert to your naturalism. Why? Because your paradigm (see, I used that word again) does not permit you any other explanation. Pity, that.