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Thread: Glitter's in the Gary

  1. #81

    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    KoolPC, I'm sorry to have to do this, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by Koolpc View Post
    And you are talking like a person who hasn't a clue!!
    And you sir are talking like a bile filled inhabitant of Daily Mail Island. It's just my opinion, of course.

    Reasons for Pedo's? So, its ok for them to act like they do is it? It is ok for them to download sick images of babies / children being abused etc? Its ok for them to get off on thoughts of these sick images? As long as they don't act on them?
    See the below part about seperating the thought and the act. If your girlfriend/wife dresses up as a schoolgirl for some fun and games does that make you a sick, twisted pervert who needs nailing to a piece of wood?

    You are talking like an utter idiot mate.
    Again, your opinion and nothing more.

    We are not on about homosexuality or normal sexual thought etc. We are on about the worst kind of human actions that could ever happen.
    It's not *that* long back that homosexuality was talked about as being depraved, castrate the lot of 'em, etc etc etc. And for the prevention of doubt please quantify "normal sexual thought"

    Pedo's are all the same.
    No, no they're not. Every case needs to be assessed individually and dealt with based on the facts.

    Whether they act on their thoughts or not.
    Actually no... If they have an urge and it's suppressed or not acted on then who is harmed?

    It is utterly sick.
    Child molestation is certainly one of the worst things one person can do to another, however remember you're talking about Paedophilia which is not the same thing. Let me give you an example...

    Let's say I have a really s****y day at work, go home and have tea. I go to the gym, spend a while working off the stress and then go home, have a shower and go to bed. While asleep I have a dream that involves me killing my boss. I wake up the next day and go to work and generally get on with my life.

    Should I be treated as a murderer for this? Your logic seems to suggest that this should be the case.

    It is inhuman, it is totally alien to any normal person.
    it's certainly not something I would find pleasant, but then I don't really think that coprophilia is very nice either and some people would disagree.

    A pedo who has dreams of the filth and sickness that he downloads could very well act on his impulses the very next day.
    Could well do, assuming that this model paedophile (if such a thing exists) even acts on an urge to download porn, which you have no proof that they all do. I know straight men (possibly what you would call "normal", though I prefer to avoid the word as it can mean a lot of things to a lot of people.) who have watched some porn which I personally find a little... yew. They don't (as far as I know, anyway) go and then act out those situations the next day.

    The thought is not the deed, you say. Well, you just tell that to the next mum or dad who has to face their child who has been abused etc.
    Again, paedophilia is not child molestation in the same way that a bird is not an aeroplane.

    I certainly don't want that happening to any member of my family.
    And I sincerely hope neither yourself nor anyone else has to go through that.

    To clarify - I'm not making an argument that we should turn sex offenders loose in the streets. Some of them clearly need to be detained, many may or may not respond well to medical assessment (incidentally it's not the criminal who decides if they're insane or otherwise - it's the medical profession).

    The differing of opinions is what makes life so interesting, I just find the knee-jerk reactions to be a little frustrating is all.

    And on that note, methinks it's time for a beer. Here's Tom with the weather.

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    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    Well, seems to be a lot of people think it is ok to have pedo thoughts then. Sad really.

    Anyway, i have had my say. No use in me trying to defend how i feel anymore.

    I still say we should castrate any pedo that makes himself known as a pedo. Better to act quickly to save some poor kid than to see them suffer under the hands of the seriosly twisted sicko's that prowl our streets. My last words!

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    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    I want gary to re-release hello hello im back again

    all this publicity, we could be looking at a number one

    on a more serious note though i do agree with the comments that a tougher punishment needs to be served so they cant reoffend, something that the current legal system fails in but at the same time its hard to say where to draw the line
    Last edited by JimmyBoy; 22-08-2008 at 10:10 PM.

  4. #84
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    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    I want gary to re-release hello hello im back again

    all this publicity, we could be looking at a number one
    now that would be some amazing trolling.

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    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    Quote Originally Posted by Koolpc View Post
    Well, seems to be a lot of people think it is ok to have pedo thoughts then. Sad really.
    Yes it's fine to have them. It's not fine to act on them, in any way whatsoever, or to then use those thoughts in a manner which infringes on other people's rights.

    I still say we should castrate any pedo that makes himself known as a pedo. Better to act quickly to save some poor kid than to see them suffer under the hands of the seriosly twisted sicko's that prowl our streets. My last words!
    Castration? For anyone accused of peadophilia? So when your next door neighbour hacks into your internet, and then gets caught, you take the blame and get castrated... You never admitted anything, you're innocent. And you're the one being blamed as a "seriosly twisted sicko" and therefore suffer the penalties.

    Proof is always doubtable, and punishments that are irrevocable.. such as loss of limb, loss of life or any other form of cutting or mutilating other humans, means that in such a case as to where evidence is then proved to be unsubstainable, or falsified or by any other means not true, then the innocent person still takes punishment.

    THAT is why I would never agree with your point of view. Yes, punishment is needed, but I do not think that castration is a suitable punishment for any crime, in any circumstance - excepting, possibly - serial and incurable rapists that have been caught and charged repeatedly. But that's a different argument, and not relevant to this thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fortune117
    Kids are getting smarter, eventually no amount of parental controls will be able to stop them
    I guess we're expected to do quite well

  6. #86
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    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    Quote Originally Posted by mediaboy View Post

    THAT is why I would never agree with your point of view. Yes, punishment is needed, but I do not think that castration is a suitable punishment for any crime, in any circumstance - excepting, possibly - serial and incurable rapists that have been caught and charged repeatedly. But that's a different argument, and not relevant to this thread.
    Gary Glitter is a serial child abuser, so using your argument, it is ok to castrate him after all? Or is a rapist worse than a child abuser to you?
    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzen View Post
    stupid betond belief.
    You owe it to yourself to click here really.

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    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    Quote Originally Posted by Koolpc View Post
    Well, seems to be a lot of people think it is ok to have pedo thoughts then. Sad really.

    Anyway, i have had my say. No use in me trying to defend how i feel anymore.

    I still say we should castrate any pedo that makes himself known as a pedo. Better to act quickly to save some poor kid than to see them suffer under the hands of the seriosly twisted sicko's that prowl our streets. My last words!
    This is just insane. What about the people who have never committed any act against children yet acknowledge that they have a tendency/sexual attraction to children? You are effectively criminalising thoughts. Have you ever thought about committing any act that is currently illegal in the UK let alone other countries? If so, by your criteria you are just as guilty as someone who has thoughts about committing acts against children that are deemed illegal in the UK and other countries.

    Would you come forward if an authority said, "look folks we should castrate/throw to the lions, anyone that makes himself known as a Christian?" (or an Arsenal supporter, collector of stamps, model train enthusiast. These are not connected in anyway - A Philatic, grizzer, gooner would be quite a stereotype).

    Rest assured. No one here sees anything less than revulsion with regard to the acts that people commit against children in these circumstances. What we are trying to discuss is the best way to ensure that harm to children from these people is minimised without the hysteria.

    I do not have children of my own, however, I was once a child (and some accuse me of still being one) and I have direct connections to children, one of whom is close family, the other two are of close friends and I'd go though extremes to protect them if in my care. Having a child in no way allows anyone to justify their moral outrage, yet alone act upon it.

    As an aside - a good few years ago I was walking through Reading train station foyer during rush hour and I saw a small child in distress, obviously lost and calling for mum. My first urge was to help the youngster. I could have approached her and knelt down and comforted her, taken her inhand to the police station 50-75 yards away or to an even nearer kiosk. I walked on by. Lots of other people did the same. I still feel guilty that I did so and can still see through my minds third-eye the scene today. As an adult male without children I am made to feel a threat. I'm not, but that is how society now automatically reacts with regard to me and children and it made me act un-instinctively.

    I used to coach a children's (U7-9) footie team that a colleague of mine had a son playing for, 10 years ago. I've got my FA badges for that level and above. I love football and I have the time to put in a few hours at the local club, but I'm (technically) single, with no children, I need to go through checks which cost and the rest of the rigmarole. I don't need people making assertions because I don't have children, at the club or otherwise. I don't want to be subjugated to extreme examination if a lad has hurt himself and I need to give reassurance in the form of a cuddle along with a plaster/wet sponge. We've gone too far.
    Last edited by iranu; 23-08-2008 at 04:42 AM. Reason: clarity
    "Reality is what it is, not what you want it to be." Frank Zappa. ----------- "The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike." Huang Po.----------- "A drowsy line of wasted time bathes my open mind", - Ride.

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    directhex (23-08-2008),G4Z (23-08-2008),Saracen (23-08-2008),Skii (23-08-2008)

  9. #88
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    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    Its absolutly not fine to have such thoughts. And its nothing like imagining killing you boss after a stressfull day, that comparison is very wrong. If you have thoughts about abusing children you need serious help. But thats the problem- if you make people a criminal, as wrong as it is, for just thinking about it they will never seek help. And that puts kids in more danger.

  10. #89

    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    Quote Originally Posted by autopilot View Post
    And its nothing like imagining killing you boss after a stressfull day, that comparison is very wrong.
    Please explain why, because I'm not seeing it, personally.

  11. #90
    Mike Fishcake

    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    *clears throat*

    Read this next statement carefully:


    For Christ's sake... There aren't just two sides to the argument you know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Koolpc View Post
    tattoo Pedo on his forehead
    I've used this quote before: "Surely their target audience wouldn't be able to read it? 'What does that say on your head, mister?' 'It says Free Ice Cream, now get in the van' "

    Quote Originally Posted by Twigman View Post
    This thread makes me sad. I sometimes like to think people on Hexus are level-headed and intelligent (even more so than the great Twigman himself ). Clearly this thread has proved me wrong.
    You think WHAT? You seriously think that? There are a few posters on here that are the most knee-jerk blinkered shallow-minded cretins I've ever had the misfortune to experience. Obviously a very, very small minority but a very, very vocal one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucio View Post
    Ok, how about this then

    Your child grows up, and is accused of being a paedophille. We'll assume that he/she hasn't done it.

    Only downside is you've gotten your way with the laws and in fact, it's now legal to kick the crap out of a paedophille with zero comeback.

    Your child gets murdered by a lynchmob...

    Do you accept this is allowed??? Would you even be upset that your child has died because of someone accusing him of a crime??
    Amen to that.

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  13. #91
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    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    Quote Originally Posted by Splash View Post
    Please explain why, because I'm not seeing it, personally.
    coming home from a stressfull day and thinking about killing your boss is usually one off reactive and emotional event. It happens on a very different level, different brain chemistry. But if you obsesse about it every day, if it effects you a fundamental and deep level, if its part of your sexuality, if you masterbate over it, then yes maybe yes it is on a par.

    Im not generally disagreeing with you, just saying the comparison was off the mark on many levels. i agree with the point that you cant convict someone just for thinking something, no mater how disturbing it is. But they do need help.

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    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    Quote Originally Posted by iranu View Post
    This is just insane. What about the people who have never committed any act against children yet acknowledge that they have a tendency/sexual attraction to children? You are effectively criminalising thoughts. Have you ever thought about committing any act that is currently illegal in the UK let alone other countries? If so, by your criteria you are just as guilty as someone who has thoughts about committing acts against children that are deemed illegal in the UK and other countries.

    Would you come forward if an authority said, "look folks we should castrate/throw to the lions, anyone that makes himself known as a Christian?" (or an Arsenal supporter, collector of stamps, model train enthusiast. These are not connected in anyway - A Philatic, grizzer, gooner would be quite a stereotype).

    Rest assured. No one here sees anything less than revulsion with regard to the acts that people commit against children in these circumstances. What we are trying to discuss is the best way to ensure that harm to children from these people is minimised without the hysteria.

    I do not have children of my own, however, I was once a child (and some accuse me of still being one) and I have direct connections to children, one of whom is close family, the other two are of close friends and I'd go though extremes to protect them if in my care. Having a child in no way allows anyone to justify their moral outrage, yet alone act upon it.

    As an aside - a good few years ago I was walking through Reading train station foyer during rush hour and I saw a small child in distress, obviously lost and calling for mum. My first urge was to help the youngster. I could have approached her and knelt down and comforted her, taken her inhand to the police station 50-75 yards away or to an even nearer kiosk. I walked on by. Lots of other people did the same. I still feel guilty that I did so and can still see through my minds third-eye the scene today. As an adult male without children I am made to feel a threat. I'm not, but that is how society now automatically reacts with regard to me and children and it made me act un-instinctively.

    I used to coach a children's (U7-9) footie team that a colleague of mine had a son playing for, 10 years ago. I've got my FA badges for that level and above. I love football and I have the time to put in a few hours at the local club, but I'm (technically) single, with no children, I need to go through checks which cost and the rest of the rigmarole. I don't need people making assertions because I don't have children, at the club or otherwise. I don't want to be subjugated to extreme examination if a lad has hurt himself and I need to give reassurance in the form of a cuddle along with a plaster/wet sponge. We've gone too far.
    pervert. let me get my nutcrackers

  15. #93
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    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    There's rather a lot of personal remarks in this thread. I know it's a very emotive subject and people feel strongly about it, but please disagree with people's views .... without personal insults.


  16. #94
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    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    but I'm (technically) single, with no children, I need to go through checks which cost and the rest of the rigmarole. I don't need people making assertions because I don't have children, at the club or otherwise. I don't want to be subjugated to extreme examination if a lad has hurt himself and I need to give reassurance in the form of a cuddle along with a plaster/wet sponge.
    it has nothing to do with being single or childless. Everyone who works with children has to complete a CRB form and it costs £10, which
    is normally paid for by the company or organisation (free for charites i think). Its no big deal and absolutly right its done.

    But it has gone too far. My mate could not film his kid in a school play. And people have been charged for having photos of their own kids in the bath. Thats what the pitchfork gang dont understand, how damaging the over the top knee jerk reaction and paranoia is.

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  18. #95

    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    Quote Originally Posted by autopilot View Post
    coming home from a stressfull day and thinking about killing your boss is usually one off reactive and emotional event. It happens on a very different level, different brain chemistry.
    I'm not a psychologist, so I can't really argue this point. My post was intended to draw attention to the fact that thinking about doing something and actually going ahead and doing something is not the same thing, and shouldn't be treated as such.

    But if you obsesse about it every day,
    At what point does a thought become an obsession? Once? Twice? Ten times? Some people seem to be suggesting that having one single thought that may involve someone *even if only a few days before the age of sexual consent* means that you should be castrated, lynched, hung, drawn and quartered, sent to the chair, disembowelled etc etc. Ok, I went a little overboard there, but to me that is the sound of an angry mob, not a reasoned discussion.

    if it effects you a fundamental and deep level, if its part of your sexuality, if you masterbate over it, then yes maybe yes it is on a par.
    In which case how would you suggest that these people proceed? Should they seek assistance at he risk of the above, or try to keep it quiet and hope that those thoughts don't make the leap into actions?

    Im not generally disagreeing with you, just saying the comparison was off the mark on many levels. i agree with the point that you cant convict someone just for thinking something, no mater how disturbing it is. But they do need help.
    Ah, we agree then, that's good

    I'm in no way excusing child abusers, and as I have posted previously I find that such a thing exists to be terrible, but perhaps it's a reflection on the state of society as a whole?

    To reiterate - the act is vile, however the thought is not the act. Some people may need to seek help, and that help should be available without the risk of a lynch mob turning up on their door.

  19. #96

    Re: Glitter's in the Gary

    Quote Originally Posted by autopilot View Post
    it has nothing to do with being single or childless.
    You're absolutely right there - anyone who's using the "I bet you don't have kids" argument is missing the point significantly in my eyes. I myself have no children of my own, however I have 2 nephews as well as friends with small children.

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