I was in my local town on Saturday and I had the unfortunate time of meeting these people.
Now, I don't want to be taken wrong here - I have the utmost respect for people who campaign for something they believe in (regardless of if I agree with their cause). Its certainly better than sitting on your arse and moaning about the situation.
However, I don't think these people have quite understood the methods needed to get people to actually listen.
A Greenpeace girl approached me and asked how I was (I didn't realise she was with them). A bit puzzled, I simply said "Fine thanks, you?". This was my first mistake as it seemed to be a signal that every Greenpeace activist within 50Km was allowed to descend upon me like a swam of bees.
I was soon being bombarded with questions from them along the lines of "What's your CO2 footprint", "How did you travel here today" before a clipboard was shoved under my nose and told to sign it. They went on to explain it was a petition against Japan and whaling - I refused to sign it.
He exploded into a rant on how much of an issue it was and that I was supporting them by not putting a squiggle on this bit of paper.
Politely, I pointed out that I wasn't aware of the situation in Japan other than the small clips I'd seen on TV a while back and I certainly wasn't going to sign it without doing my own research on the matter. Pointing out that they have an agenda so are likely to have one sided information didn't go down to well.
At this point I started to be followed down the high-street being shouted at..."This man supports whaling" and various other things, with one person constantly trying to stop me from walking forward. Telling him that we exhale CO2 so by killing himself would help reduce emissions for the rest of us made matters worse.
After a minute or so I lost it - I made it clear that in no uncertain terms unless he moved out of my way his ass was going to be hitting the floor pretty soon. They backed off shortly afterwards to the location of their banners and posters.
I did a little searching today and it seems these people are nothing short of corporate bullies if you don't agree with them. A good example of this I found on Wikipedia:
And to make matter worse, a Jury has just decided that they can break the law in the name of global warming: http://www.independent.co.uk/environ...aw-925561.htmlAccording to a report by the New England-based environmental organization Clean Air-Cool Planet, Canon tops the list of 56 companies the survey conducted about climate-friendly companies.[9]
To further show the company's commitment to the environment, Canon launched three new calculators in Europe, called "Green Calculators", which are produced, in part, from recycled Canon copiers.[10]
However, despite extensive advertisements regarding conservation, Canon was criticized by Greenpeace with regard to the issue of whaling in Japan in their attempt to stir up controversy. Greenpeace sent Canon a statement asking Fujio Mitarai, the Chairman and CEO of Canon Japan, to sign it to support the end of lethal whaling research. Canon responded by saying they are committed to preserving the environment but since opinion varies on scientific whaling research, they would not sign the statement. Greenpeace used this response to speculate that Canon supports whaling. [11]
From what I've seen they are almost religiously fanatical about their cause. Dismissing anyone who does not agree with them 100% as people who like to put kittens in blenders for fun.
Anyone else had a run in with these lot?